Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000208_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Wed Nov 19 20:39:36 1997.msg
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
Reply-To: mushypd@redrose.net
To: Alastair Murray <malcolm.murray@virgin.net>
CC: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 16:32:06 +0500
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Organization: Mushroom PD - AMOS Public Domain Library
Subject: Re: Various Problems
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T'was a dark and dreary night, with the full moon out, along with vampires and
critters. T'was also Alastair Murray who scared the crap out of me by shouting
about "Various Problems" on the eve of 19-Nov-97:
-> Anyone had problems with big amos programs crashing?
Yup. Had to stop adding bits to Twinz because of it. It would just lock solid.
-> My program Backbone has had a few problems. Basically, uncompiled it
-> is fine but once I compile it, it tends to crash at random times with
-> some regularity.
-> It has a BIG variable buffer of 780k and does alot of disk
-> reading/writing. The code length itself is 400k too.
-> I suspect maybe it's the variable buffer size but
-> don't know of any solutions. PLEASE someone help cos I've spent a fair
-> bit of time on it which I don't want to have been wasted.
I have the copy of the program you sent me, im in the process of going
through it along with about 50 other files I have received, so I will place
it in the library. One of the things I noticed in Twinz was if the program
has a lot of complex If..Else..Endif type loops in, it can sometimes get a
bit messed up, or even confused.
Does the program have a lot of DATA statements? This can cause problems in
the program too, especially when compiled.
If the program has banks in it when compiled, try removing them and loading
them in from a data file on disk.
-> Also, I've had complaints of it crashing when it's iconified using the
-> Easylife iconify option. It tends to be when people have a big fancy
-> 128 colours massive workbench so perhaps that does it. Any ideas?
-> If anyone has some alternative iconify code then please send it to me
-> and I'll try that out. I'm not very happy with the current one anyway.
I dont use the Easylife Iconify routines, I simply use my own, which is a
method like in MMPlay etc. where it will return the program when the window
is closed.
-> Arrggghh!
-> It's so annoying the number of compatibilty problems with amos! I find
-> it the biggest problem that whatever I do, someone will moan it
-> doesn't use RTG or is not OS friendly or something or other. Can
-> anyone whos doing an extension have a look into this???
Use the GUI Extension. If the screenmode is selectable with an ASL
Screenmode requester, you can do anything with it!
-> Oh and once again..... what the hell happened with the AGA extension?
-> First an imminent release was 6 months aga then a demo version was 2
-> months ago and we've still seen nothing!
-> Who's beta-testing it? Is it any good? Does it actually exist???
Im testing it, but i have to say its not the easiest of extemsions to use.
In my opinion, it needs to be more simplified, as at the moment you need to
be a total pro to understand all the little bits and pieces to make it work.
Stick with the GUI Extension, much more powerfull, and constantly being
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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